- get a break : Obtain a favorable opportunity; get special consideration or treatment. The new price is higher, but you are getting a break on service.
- ex) So… any chance I could get a break on this one?
<Phrases & Expressions>
- 우리 아들은 누나가 타던 옛날 자전거 타고 다녀
- My son has been riding his sister’s old bike.
- 자기 자전거 잘 관리할 수 있을 때까지! 걔 내 컴퓨터에 음료수 쏟고, 물 속에서 자기 사진 찍는다고 우리 카메라도 망가트렸어.
- Until he’s responsible enough to take care of his own bike. Look, he spilled a soda on my computer, he ruined our digital camera taking pictures of himself underwater-
- 매니 아니었으면 이런거 좀 더 했을텐데
- We would do something like this more often if it wasn’t for, you know, Manny
- 걔랑 같이 하기로 했잖아. 혼자 어떻게 하는지 알려주는게 중요한거잖아.
- You’re supposed to do it with him. It’s important that we teach him how to do things for himself.
- 나 이거 3시까지는 끝내야해
- I need to be done by three
- 걔 자전거 사주면 안됐어
- You never should’ve given him a bike.
- 너무 창피한데, 나 문이 잠겨서 집에 못 들어가
- This is really embarrassing, but I locked myself out of my house.
- 남자가 내 침실 창문으로 기어올라올 줄 알았으면 좀 치웠을텐데.
- If I knew a man was gonna climb into my bedroom window, I would’ve cleaned up a bit.
- 내가 제일 좋아하는 남자 두명이 같이 뭐 하고 있으니까 너무 행복해
- It makes me so happy to see my two boys working together.
- 내가 첫 자전거를 훔친 자리에 새 자전거를 버리면 된다고 생각했어, 그러면 그 누군지 모르는 애가 자기 자전거를 찾고 이 새 자전거는 내가 왜 이걸 샀는지나, 누가 누구 침실 창문으로 넘어갔는지 같은 난감한 질문들을 일으키지 않을거야.
- I figure I’ll just dump the new bike where I stole the first bike, that way random kid gets his back and this new bike doesn’t raise a lot of embarrassing questions like why I had it, or who boosted who through the bedroom window.
- 왜 몰래 나가고 숨기려고 했어?
- Why are you trying to sneak around and hide things from me?
- 얘가 이걸 또 할 수 있을지 잘 모르겠어
- I don’t know if I can actually get her to do it again.
- 얘는 집 나오기 전에 20분 동안 거울 앞에 서 있어
- He can’t leave the house without spending twenty minutes in front of the mirror.
모던패밀리 시즌 1 에피 2 자막 참고 링크입니다.
Season 1 Episode 2: “The Bicycle Thief”
(Commentary) Jay: What’s the key to being a great dad? Uh, that’s a tough one. Cameron: Giving them the freedom to be whatever they wanna be. Mitchell: Right, exactly, s- Cameron: Wheth…
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2022.08.19 - [영어 하지윤/미드 Modern Family] - 쉐도잉말고 미드로 영어 공부하기 [Modern Family] S1 E1: Pilot
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